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Google Plus one Votes Needed ?

For a long time now the likes of Facebook and Twitter have ruled the roost when it comes to social networking. However not one to be defeated Google have now launched their own version and it looks likely to pack a punch. Google Plus One has been launched to much media attention and when you look at the features it offers, it is no surprise.
Google Plus One 1 Votes Google Plus One Votes – A personalized thumbs up Most of us are used to clicking ‘like’ on Facebook to show we give approval to something. The Google Plus One Vote is much the same. You (or your readers) simply give a thumbs up to web content that they have found useful, funny or interesting.

This isn’t as pointless as it sounds because Google have admitted that for search engine rankings they are pay more attention than ever to social networking and other social indicators. So it seems that if enough people like an item, so will Google.
Google +1 is a new strong power for the internet which boost your search engine rankings and get trust from more visitors for your site. Google's +1 button is the new social popularity tool like Facebook likes, Diggs, or Stumble Upon.

Get the power of +1 Today and become more famous. I can give you lot of Google +1's within your provided time frame.

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